GG&G Multi-Aperture Device (MAD) Back-Up Iron Sight (BUIS) for AR-15 | The Social Regressive

2 years ago

What makes the GG&G Multi-Aperture Device (MAD) stand out in a sea of very similar Back-Up Iron Sights (BUIS)? Nearly every manufacturer has addressed the fact that most of us want to run an optic on our AR-15. They provide articulation that stows the rear sight away until needed. A few have specialized apertures that make target acquisition quicker or more precise.

The GG&G MAD is a solidly built flip-up rear sight, but the reason it's my iron sight of choice is because of one very impressive feature. Instead of having two apertures of different sizes that address the same point of aim, the MAD BUIS has a wheel with five apertures - each drilled to address a different point of impact. Aperture Zero addresses a 200-yard shot. Aperture Three addresses 300 yards. Four for 400 yards. Five for 500 yards, and Six for 600 yards.

00:21 - Silhouette Test
00:44 - Overview of the GG&G MAD
01:43 - Aperture Wheel
02:38 - Aperture Close-up
03:14 - Bullet Drop Compensation
04:44 - Footprint & Construction
07:12 - Adjustment Knob
07:44 - Zero Range
08:30 - Other Models (Titanium and Tritium)
09:06 - My Desired Upgrade
09:29 - Related Videos
09:50 - Lots of Missed Shots (B-Roll)

Assuming the trajectory of your projectile falls within the range of M193 or M855 ammo through a 16" carbine, this sight works very well! In my own testing it has worked fairly well with 75-grain Hornady BTHP (Boat-Tail Hollow Point), too! I just need to aim a little low at longer ranges.

This sight isn't for everyone; it's probably not the best for fast acquisition of short-range targets. It probably isn't tough enough for guys that tend to throw their gear around. If you prefer more precision at longer ranges, however, this sight is right up your alley.

The GG&G Multi Aperture Device competes directly with the Matech rear iron sight. Both accomplish similar tasks in slightly different ways.

-The Social Regressive

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