Taurus PT 24/7 OSS 9mm Pistol Problem - Lockup Damage and Malfunction | The Social Regressive

2 years ago

My Taurus PT-24/7 OSS has failed me! I have had this Taurus OSS 9mm for roughly three years, and it has been an amazing pistol. I like the trigger very, very much. The sights are an excellent combination of precise and easy to acquire. It has repeatable accuracy in spades. It holds 17 rounds of 9mm ammo. This was the first 24/7 with a Decocker, and once decocked, the double-action pull is quite nice. The barrel and ramp combination is very, very good. I've never failed to feed a round, from FMJRNs to HPs.

A problem has emerged, however. There seems to be a design flaw that causes the Glock-esque lockup mechanism to slam the forward-facing locking surface into the rearward-facing slide cutout. The result is a gun that won't fully lock. I will send this pistol back to Taurus and we'll see how they deal with it.

-The Social Regressive

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