Daylight Debunks the Globe detailed illustration of this, imagine the Sun 2020 ?

2 years ago

One simple and definitive proof that you are not living on a spinning ball orbiting around the Sun is the fact that daytime and nighttime never switch places as they must for the heliocentric model to be true. According to the globe doctrine, Earth makes one complete rotation on its axis every 24 hours, while simultaneously orbiting around the Sun and completing one full revolution every 365 days. If this was truly happening however, as you can see from the following image, the daytime and nighttime sides of the globe would have to flip every 6 months.

For a more detailed illustration of this, imagine the Sun rising at 6am in New York on the Summer solstice. After 3 months of 24 hour rotations, the globe would be 90 degrees from its previous position and a quarter turn away from the Sun, meaning that sunrise in New York during the Autumnal equinox should now be happening at midnight. After 3 more months of 24 hour rotations, the globe would be on the complete opposite side of the Sun, 180 degrees from its starting position, so that sunrise in New York during the Winter solstice should be happening at 6pm, or in other words, daytime and nighttime would have completely flipped from 6 months earlier. After 3 more months of 24 hour rotations, the globe would be 270 degrees from its original position, and sunrise in New York during the Spring equinox should be happening at noon.

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