Death of the British Pub

1 year ago

Apparently the UK anti-offensive language rules are now going to be enforced in the nations pubs. Typically bastions of cutting loose after a long work day, a place where you can let your hair down and speak freely are now going to be policed for offensive language. Imagine a group of Brits watching a football match (soccer in the US) against say...the French. How many 4 letter expletives do you think will come out of the patrons mouths? Do all these hooligans get hauled away? Many a relationship is built on interactions at these establishments. A man might make a sexual reference to a woman and it may or may not be welcome. If is were not welcome will the bloke get tossed in the slammer? I can imagine a chilling effect on the nature of the pub. It will become a bleak and hollow place that is solely about the drink as people will be hunkered directly over their drink and looking down at it and at nothing else. They will be fearful to raise their heads or say anything as to draw the ire of the Stasi. It will turn the place into a lifeless place to simply drink away the memories of when the place was fun. By the way...don't think it couldn't happen here in the US.

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