BCP: Church history and Bergoglio’s suicidal Synod on Synodality

1 year ago

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From 5 to 12 February 2023, Prague will host the Continental Assembly of the Synod on Synodality which is to be attended by the chairmen of European Bishops’ Conferences. A similar satanizing sabbath is scheduled to take place in South America, Africa and Australia next month. These events are driving nails into the coffin of the Catholic Church and are digging its grave. In fact, it is a preparation for church legalization of sodomy and all perversions associated with unclean demons covered by the term LGBTQ.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) – the voice of one crying in the wilderness – has called these days for the dissolution of the Prague sabbath and for the separation of the Czech bishops from the invalid Pope Bergoglio. A look at history may help us clarify the current catastrophic state of the Church. Let us look first at the period of early Christianity.
As early as the 1st century, Emperor Nero unleashed a bloody persecution of Christians. It was only ended in 313. The Arian heresy arose immediately afterwards, questioning the basis of Christianity – the divinity of Christ. This heresy is almost identical to the contemporary historical-critical theology or method. It erroneously divides Jesus Christ into the Christ of history and the Christ of faith, and also questions His divinity.
Arianism did not cause an external schism – a separation – but its adherents, heretical bishops and patriarchs, even with the help of some emperors, tried to poison the whole of Christianity with this heresy. Heretical Modernism does the same today. Pope John XXIII used the Second Vatican Council to promote this heretical spirit. Now this spirit of heresy culminates through the invalid Pope Francis, and leads to the self-destruction of the Church of Christ.
Arianism provided scope for the heresy of Monophysitism which, like Arianism and contemporary Neomodernism, also questioned the divinity of Christ. Modernism, with its historical-critical method, paved the way for Francis Bergoglio to abolish God’s commandments and to legalize LGBTQ, as well as to transform the Church. The goal is to convert the Catholic Church into a New Age anti-Church. The latter’s agenda, in line with Bergoglio’s gesture in Canada, includes the worshipping of demons in place of God.
In the 6th century, Egypt embraced the heresy of Monophysitism and separated from Catholic orthodoxy. Similarly, Monophysitism was embraced by Syria, Ethiopia and Armenia. In 1054 the Eastern Schism occurred. The Catholic Church split into Western Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. The 16th century was marked by the Western Schism, i.e. the division into Catholics and Protestants. What was the root of this division?
Before the Council of Pisa, which took place in 1409, there was a dual papacy. Gregory XII (1406-1415) resided in Rome, and Benedict XIII (1394-1423) resided in Avignon. The Council deposed both Popes as notorious schismatics, heretics and perjurers, and elected Alexander V. However, neither of them resigned, which resulted in a triple papacy.
In 1410, Alexander died and was succeeded by John XXIII. John XXIII convened a general council in Constance in 1414. On 6 April, the heretical decree Haec sancta synodus was promulgated, placing the Council above the Pope. We quote: “Everyone of whatever dignity, even papal, is bound to obey it.” On 29 May, the Council deposed Pope John XXIII, who was subsequently imprisoned and died after four years in prison. Instead of three Popes, a fourth one, Martin V, was elected in November 1417.
In 1415, the Council committed a judicial crime based on false testimony. It condemned the preacher of repentance, Master Jan Hus, to death by burning as a heretic.
One hundred years after the Council, Martin Luther spoke out (1521). The Council had rejected the required and necessary reform and burned the Czech preacher of repentance. Instead of a reform, there came a reformation. A certain historian writes:
“The Church at that time was not able to reform itself, and eventually paved the way for the Reformation in Germany. It caused the deepest break known in the history of Christianity.”
We can say that the Second Vatican Council set the stage not only for another reformation, but literally for a suicidal transformation into a New Age satanic anti-Church. Something like this has no parallel in the history of the Church.
If, instead of the burning of the Czech preacher of repentance who sought to reform priestly life, there had been a reform of the priesthood, Luther would not have had to abolish the sacrament of the priesthood and the Holy Mass. The tragic division of Western Christianity could thus have been prevented. The true reason was that the prelates refused to hear the prophetic voice that called for true repentance and true reform, i.e. the revival of the Church.
Luther’s reformation and separation from the Catholic Church had to come so that the Catholic Church, shattered by this event, would finally wake up and enable the spiritual revival that the Czech preacher of repentance Jan Hus had called for. Revival movements, congregations and religious orders began to emerge, which infused new blood into the veins of the Mystical Body of Christ.
If we compare the immoral life of the upper clergy in the 15th and 16th centuries with the contemporary Bergoglian sect, there is much in common. Bergoglio, however, has outdone everyone with his hyperactive promotion of immorality and concrete steps to destroy God’s laws and legalize sin and LGBTQ depravity. He even consecrated himself to the devil under the guidance of a shaman in Canada.
The history of the Church testifies to the constant struggle that takes place not only in the Church, but also in the soul of every member of the Mystical Body of Christ. It is a struggle against the source of evil, which is original sin. It is wrapped in the human ego. The ego does not accept objective truth and defies God’s commandments. We must therefore seek the truth, fight for it and learn true self-criticism. We will learn it at the cross of Christ. There we will find light, truth and salvation. This is the start of the true reform that awaits us in the 21st century. Ultimately, it is about the eternal salvation or damnation of each one of us! It is necessary to be separated from the suicidal synodal journey and from its architect, the archheretic Francis Bergoglio, who is no Pope!

BCP – the voice of one crying in the wilderness

3 February 2023

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