Part 2 of the antichrist reign

2 years ago

The antichrist will be the most wicked wicked man that will be worse then Stalin, Hitler or Kim Jung IL, he will be so evil and God will allow him to rule to punish Israel for rejecting Jesus and get them back to Him, to get the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors to decide between Jesus and being killed for their faith or choosing the antichrist and suffering God wrath and judgements being poured out in the tribulation period and being killed by Jesus and being in the lake of fire with Satan forever, that is all the choices you have in the tribulation period, the church age will be over forever and the Holy Spirit will be gone, God will seal those who accept Jesus in the tribulation period but that is all the protection you get, no one will care at all about you, the wicked will be far worse and will curse God when He pours out His tribulation judgements on the entire world, there will be no where to hide at all, and all the wicked deserve to suffer God wrath in the tribulation period, God will have enough and will allow Satan to rule for 7 years long and he will rule, he will be the worst most wicked man that will ever rule and live, he will control everything and there will be no freedom at all, no churches, the antichrist will have no need for churches at all or the bible, the Catholic whore church will be part of the antichrist one world religion and Pope Francis is the false prophet of that satanic wicked cult acting like a church, I don't know who the antichrist is but could be gates, leader of the Jews in Jerusalem and a rabbi, Obama, fauci, macron, it could be anyone and the antichrist is behind the scenes right now but he will stand up after the rapture happens and don't know how long it will take or when he does it, but he will do it and sign a treaty with the Jews and will sit in the third temple in Jerusalem and say I am the Messiah and the 7 year tribulation begins, 7 years of the antichrist rule and God pouring out His tribulation judgements on the entire world, it will happen if you like it or not

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