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Antichrist rule in the tribulation period
After the rapture happens and thousands of true believers and children are gone and the Holy Spirit from this wicked world then the antichrist will take over as fast as he can, he will sit in the third temple in Jerusalem and say I am the Messiah bow down and worship me and he will force everyone to give up their beliefs and accept his one world government and one world religion and get his cursed vaccine mark of the beast and microchip, the cursed vaccine antichrist followers already got the mark of the beast and are to dumb to understand what it really is, they will be the ones killing tribulation saints those who were playing church, were lukewarm and acted like they knew God but loved the world more than God and got left behind, some will accept Jesus while the rest will not, the vaccine lost crowd will persercute anyone who is not part of the antichrist government and will love doing it, families will turn their Loved ones in, neighbors will tell on neighbors, jobs will, they will love doing it and persercuting left behind Christians in the tribulation period, the antichrist will be the most evil man who will ever rule, cash will be gone , banks will all close, WW3 will break out, America will be destroyed completely, power will go out everywhere, churches will be looted and destroyed, bibles ripped up and destroyed, the rich will kill themselves when all their money is gone, earthquakes will hit everywhere, tornadoes, tsnsumis, volcanoes erupting everywhere, bombs falling everywhere, planes falling out the sky, babies just gone, cars piled up everywhere, people will be looking for hope and the antichrist will step up and give it to those left behind, but they will be to dumb to understand that he is the antichrist and will bow down and worship him, then I saw a beast rise up out of the sea and he had 10 horns and he gave power to the image of the beast to kill anyone who did not bow down and worship the beast or the image of the beast and he forced all, rich, powerful, generals, leaders, poor, free and slaves to receive a mark or the vaccine and microchip and they could not buy or sell without it and if anyone refused to worship the beast they were killed let wisdom know the number of mark for it is 666, it is here the vaccine is the mark of the beast and no precursor at all, it is here and dumb people are rushing off to get it and wear masks, they are lost forever and will join Satan in the lake of fire for they belong to Satan forever, they will never be forgiven by God ever, once you get the mark of the beast you are lost forever and there is no going back for you ever, God does not know you and turns His back on you because you decided to follow Satan and worship the antichrist and join Satan in the lake of fire, that is where Satan and everyone who has rejected Jesus will end up, all the fallen angels and demons will be there to, all the false pastors and lost church crowd that got the vaccines will be there to, it is not a game!! You are either for Jesus or the antichrist and no middle ground at all, only way out of the tribulation is to be killed for your faith or survive until it ends, Jesus will not come back for those left behind at all, you get left behind you are left behind and it is up to you to find God without the Holy Spirit convicting you, Christians saying repent, nope no one will care at all, the two witnesses will be in Jersalem they will not go outside of Jerusalem at all, left behind church people and pastors will have to find God in the most wicked hostile world that will say the antichrist is God and will kill anyone who doesn't belong to the antichrist at all, they will not be nice at all or care if you went to church!! They will only care if you got the vaccine mark of the beast and the microchip and that is it, it will be hell on earth for 7 years long
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