VTS Season 5 Round 10 @ Martinsville

1 year ago

Date: 2023.01.31

Venom Truck Series @ Martinsville

Zero laps practice. Did not make a complete lap for qualify. Starting at the back. That said. I did make it quite far up the grid in this race to my surprise. Ultimately misfortune strikes.

More interesting than the race was the strange reaction I received after the race. First time in my racing career that I have been called out. It was difficult to comprehend. Not due to the poor grammar or spelling, but because I was totally unaware of this person. Below is their "first contact" message to me...

"What’s ur deal? I can race u the same…it don’t make no never mind to me…I choose not to tho…but it’s on u"

Confusing to say the least. As one of if not the cleanest driver in the league its a bit odd to get such an aggressive and vengeful message sent to me directly after the race.

Ultimately, it don't make no never mind to me though. Enjoy the race!

Official Race Broadcast (Turn200):

Stateline Sim Racing (#15 Ryan Dye):

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