Recap of the Nordstream2 Covert Op Bombing - credit to Monkey Werx US.

2 years ago

Independent Evidence Video Confirms Key Part of Sy Hersh’s Report on the Attack on Nord Stream 2

Monkey Werx provided a video report last September (September 30th to be precise) that confirms part of Sy Hersh’s account of the destruction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Here is the Monkey Werx report from September 30th (relevant info starts at the 2 minute mark) tracking that P8 Poseidon:

@MonkeyWerxUS making a really easily understandable timeline of the US military presence the time leading up to, and after the Pipeline explosion.
all credit goes to Monkey Werx.

The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now

There is no other journalist, dead or alive, that can match the work and legacy of Sy Hersh — e.g., Watergate, CIA Assassinations, the Glomar Explorer, My Lai Massacre, Abu Ghraib, Syrian False Flag Chemical Weapon, Killing Bin Laden and now, the U.S. attack on the Nord Stream Pipeline.

The reaction of the government hacks to Sy’s revelations follows the same script with one new addition — a vociferous denial and a vicious dismissal attributing Sy’s report to the musings of an addled old man.

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