CoIntelpro in full effect

2 years ago

Update the censorship shadow banning is astounding !

A statement by Stephen Bell on the 8th February 2023 this about the ever-increasing absurdity of this never-ending saga which is the program, and especially their propaganda and PSYOPS, in this video I explain how I am not only being extrajudicially labelled guilty for a plethora of serious crimes, without ever being charged, prosecuted or found guilty of anything nevertheless being a sex criminal, terrorist or what other despicable accusations and grandiose claims which they make against me, to the masses all over the world on continuous basis, not only this constant they are more and more now here in 2023 moving towards framing me and the entire situation, in their propaganda and PSYOPS to the masses, as being some kind of threat to the population, and the government to such an extent, that everybody and anybody needs to participate here in Denmark, in the Danish intelligence agencies, plots and setups against me Stephen Bell.

Like the setup that they are attempting or trying out right now, by proclaiming to the entire Danish population and properly internationally too, that I’m supposedly into watching all kinds of kiddie porn on the dark web, which they are claiming that I’m doing, and of course they are making all kinds of excuses for why they are not, arresting and prosecuting me Stephen Bell, as they would, and should! if it was any true whatsoever to their false and fabricated accusation, of course they are not doing that, and instead they are making a propaganda campaigns about it! Which should tell you everything that you need to know! at least if you are capable of thinking for yourself? any time that governments and authorities make such claims in public instead of pursuing those claims in accordance with the court of law, it instantaneously means that they are full shit, because why would they waste such to them valuable accusations, on short lived propaganda content, and thereby wasting any hope or chance of ever these particular false claims and accusations against me in a court of law, it is so outrageously preposterous!!! that they even trying stuff like this on, however they have had so much success in indoctrinating the public to not be aware of any of the procedures, that actually have to take place for anything to be official and have merits, even in corrupted societies we are living under at this moment in time.

If you see any sense and logic in the argumentation I made here? you are probably on the verge of being labelled some kind of extremist and thereby undesirable, and could very well be on a list of the next targeted individuals to come.

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