5 Reasons Your Business Credit Applications Get Denied

2 years ago

Are you a small business owner, entrepreneur, or investor looking to build business credit? Do you know why your applications are getting denied when applying for business credit cards and loans?
In this video, Ari shares the top five reasons why your applications may be getting denied so that you can avoid making these mistakes in the future and get approved for the business capital your business deserves.

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0:00 - Introduction
0:40 - Reason 1: Improper Entity Setup
3:14 - Reason 2: Negative History
4:09 - Reason 3: Poor/Unestablished Personal Credit
6:55 - Reason 4: Age of Existing Business Credit
7:36 - Reason 5: Too Many Inquiries
9:00 - Closing Thoughts

Like this video? You'll love this: https://youtu.be/9hN8jQb43zI

Since 2007, Fund&Grow has helped 30,000+ business owners and real estate investors across America get access to over $1.4 Billion in growth capital. We’re on a mission to empower entrepreneurs and investors by helping them utilize the smartest form of funding — low-interest, unsecured business credit.

#businesscredit #businessfinances #loanrejected

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