Daily Chess play - 1406 - Winning Streak

2 years ago

Note: I lost some games down to 1374 but recording wasn't on.

First game, Up two pawns by move 15. Even trades again afterwards and then he blunders his Queen on c3. He resigns.

Second game, Up a pawn early. Up another pawn after trades on e5. Opponent suddenly resigns, maybe he felt stuck at that point.

Third game, Even trades all the way up to move 23 where I start to make move to destroy Opponent's defenses on f5. He's in some trouble but not game losing yet I think but he resigns anyway.

Fourth game, Even trades until move 17 where I attack both Bishop on g3 and Queen on c3. So I get the Bishop but then he gives up his Queen and Rook a little later on. Resigns right after that.

Played pretty well when I started recording XD. I fell to 1374 and then win 4 games in a row. Back to 1406. Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #daily #learning #fork #closecall #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #streak

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