OCA Podcast – 12: Requiem from the Podcast (Reupload)

2 years ago

Welcome to The OCA Podcast where we discuss all things related to collecting anime. Thanks for watching!

Links (may contain affiliate links):
Next Podcast watch club:
Golden Boy (Discotek Release): http://amzn.to/2zuc5YH
Salaryman Kintaro:
∟Part 1: http://amzn.to/2zsnwjx
∟Part 2: http://amzn.to/2zsnxnB
∟Part 3: http://amzn.to/2zs9CxA
∟Part 4: http://amzn.to/2zssYTr
∟Part 5: http://amzn.to/2ztxvoz

Kickstarter Anime:
∟Under the Dog: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1356660673/under-the-dog-the-movie-live-action-short-and-musi?ref=user_menu
∟Halloween Pajama: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1489287301/yasuhiro-iries-animation-film-halloween-pajama-in?ref=user_menu
Fire at Shoujo Beat: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2017-10-30/shojo-beat-warehouse-suffers-fire-damage-delays-releases/.123412
Right Stuf's Anime Haul: https://www.rightstufanime.com/Anime-Haul
That terrible trailer FDDNM made me watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C84PvHfCbWY

0:00:00 - Podcast starts
0:00:12 - AC’s daughter’s medical condition has allowed him to watch a ton of anime
0:01:57 - Right Stuf catalog Christmas scratch off savings
0:04:07 - Pickups
0:18:12 - Catching up on the chat
0:23:32 - AC jinxes the podcast by talking about his internet connection
0:24:52 - What AC has been watching over the past few weeks
0:26:01 - AC’s old way of organizing his Anime-Planet account
0:27:49 - Ranma 1/2 and internet issues
0:32:12 - Anime-Planet appears to have separated DVD specials into their own listings
0:35:22 - Delays from fire at Shojo Beat’s warehouse
0:37:19 - Under the Dog the “Movie” Kickstarter
0:42:47 - Halloween Pajama Kickstarter
0:45:55 - Right Stuf starts a Loot Crate
0:53:03 - The Indiana Jones rolling boulder gag comes up surprisingly often in anime
0:53:58 - Marathoning Ranma 1/2 and Funimation’s shitty Yu Yu Hakusho boxsets
0:55:59 - Podcast scheduling updates
0:58:00 - Skimming more comments
1:00:58 - N
1:01:59 - AC has watched 1/10 of all the anime on Anime-Planet
1:02:48 - P
1:04:29 - What do we expect from Right Stuf’s Anime Haul?
1:06:16 - AC longs for those super expensive Sword Art Online sets
1:10:18 - Akira
1:12:12 - AC looks
1:13:25 - Ogy hates Ani-me for not selling anime
1:14:41 - AC’s criteria for something being considered “rare”
1:18:16 - Requiem from the Darkness Watch Club
1:47:16 - Super Grand Prix Watch Club
1:50:11 - Y
1:53:31 - Z
1:59:41 - AA
2:05:11 - AB
2:09:08 - AC
2:13:57 - AD
2:14:36 - AE
2:18:19 - AF
2:22:06 - AG
2:24:07 - AH
2:24:50 - AI
2:25:20 - AJ
2:29:54 - Wind down


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►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OCAPodcast
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►Discord: https://discord.gg/jMUNYkwXWB

Be sure to follow Ogy on Twitter and check out his content:



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►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/animecollector
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theanimecollector/
►Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeiferusMC
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►Anime-Planet: http://www.anime-planet.com/users/Seiferus
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►Right Stuf Affiliate Link: https://bit.ly/3x4aQcC


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