Macedonia Through The Ages | Episode 2: Antiquity In Macedonia

2 years ago

Macedonia Through The Ages | Documentary Series
Episode 2: Antiquity In Macedonia

The Republic of Macedonia amazes with it’s natural resources and cultural heritage. The natural resources in Macedonia were used from Macedonians millenniums ago, and were respected with great honor since the most ancient times. The ancient heritage of Republic of Macedonia is visible through scattered findings from numerous archaeological sites that are exhibited in museums of Macedonia and abroad. The cultural heritage was often used by the occupation armies to fill their museums back in their countries. The museums all over Europe are holding artefacts that were found on the territory of present Republic of Macedonia. The antiquity, as a problem in contemporary political situation of the Macedonian state, can not be deleted from the sacred Macedonian land and emerges throughout all of the Republic of Macedonia....

#Macedonia #MacedoniaThroughTheAges #Prehistory #Paleolithic #Neolithic #BronzeAge #IronAge #AristonProduction #TelevizijaSonce #TvSonce #Makedonija

Episode 1:

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