Join Lance and Mario at a special Continental Breakfast for Pastors and Leaders

2 years ago

Join Lance and Mario in Ocala, FL., for a special Continental Breakfast for Pastors and Leaders.
What is God truly saying to the church in this hour? Come to this Continental Breakfast at Klein Conference Center, (College of Central Florida) 3001 S.W. College Road | Ocala, FL 34474 and find out!

They will share the message of what God is truly saying in this hour. With the power of Jesus, His Word and the Holy Spirit, they will bring fire from heaven to empower and equip you to stand and fight for the Kingdom of God.

Together we can reignite the fire of God and take back what the enemy has stolen. I know that the Lord has much to say to you this day.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity. We’ll see you in Ocala, FL!
God bless,

Mario Murillo and Lance Wallnau.

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