"Brave New World: Second Panel Discussion on the Intersection of Politics, Medicine, & Theology"

2 years ago

Taken at the 2023 Faith & Medicine Conference, this panel discussion is the sequel to the 2022 panel discussion "How Shall We Then Live?" With the increasing threats of woke pseudo-Science and civil government intrusions that deny creation and God’s design for the human body, how ought a Christian to think and respond? How do you live for truth in a culture rebelling against God’s reality and dominated by lies and corruption? “What saith the Scripture?”

The panelists include noted lecturers and authors who will address the Christian’s view of health and ethics in healthcare. This session seeks to provide practical ideas for protecting your family family and promoting just policy between the civil government and the healthcare industry. We
will address the science and ethics in conflict over new policies being pushed for euthanasia, medical mandates & lockdowns, transgender changes, and more. It features a collection medical personnel, activists, theologians, and community organizers: Dr. Heidi Klessig, Martin Selbrede, Ricardo Davis, Dr. Joe Morecraft, and GRA NFRA Director Nathaniel Darnell.

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