Baby elephant attempts to intimidate buffalos

2 years ago

The video shows a male baby elephant, hilariously believing he is strong and big enough to scare off three large buffalo bulls with his ‘intimidating’ behaviour.

Being the largest land mammal on this planet, elephants rule and dominate the landscape in Africa. With their sheer size they do not really have to fear any predator and they can break and shape the landscape just how they like. Elephants also eat the most food and drink the most water of all animals in the African wild. When it comes to water, which they need to drink daily, elephants also love to throw their weight around. For some reason elephants do not like sharing water with other animals and on many occasions will not hesitate to chase other animal species away from the water. This is one of the trademarks of elephants and are learned from a young age. The video shows a male baby elephant that has clearly paid attention to the adults during his first years and decided it was time to put his skills to the test. We were watching a herd of elephants when this male baby elephant caught my eye. The baby elephant for some reason moved away from the herd. I noticed three large buffalo bulls lying in a mud wallow just below the watering hole where the elephants were. The baby elephant was walking towards the buffalo bulls with a cheeky filled attitude. It was hilarious to watch how the baby elephant believed he could chase the buffalo bulls off with his cute little trumpeting noise and his ‘not so scary’ mock charges. The funniest part of it all for me was while the baby elephant was doing his best to get some reaction from of the buffalo bulls, he got absolutely none. Two of the buffaloes didn’t even look at the baby elephant once, while one of the buffalo eventually just glanced at the baby elephant, probably thinking “what the hell are you trying to do boy?” The very self-confident baby elephant soon realised that his intimidating tactics are not working, and it was as if he suddenly lost all that self confidence and ran away. Just so funny to watch.

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