Easy to prepare recipe .Pork chops on a canapé of onions and potatoes.@bookiva8508@CookingshookingIn

2 years ago

Recipe : 3-4 steaks optional. 3-4 onions . 1 large potato . 1 tsp. salt . 1 tsp. red pepper. 1/2 teaspoon black pepper. 2tsp mix dried vegetables . 20-30 ml. oil or olive oil. 200ml. water or broth. Season the meat with spices and fat. Set aside to take the marinade. Cut the onions and potatoes into circles, arrange in a tray sprinkled with a little salt and fat. Finally, add the water, cover with foil and bake at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes. 5min Before removing the dish from the oven, remove the foil and let it bake. Enjoy your meal.

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