Inner Shadow Work Explained - The Foundation to MINDSET!

2 years ago

What is the shadow: Inner Critic, Inner Child, Part-X, Evil Shadow❓

👉🏽 Many people trace the concept of the inner critic to psychiatrist Carl Jung. He linked the inner child to our past. Our experiences and memories. The unconscious choices we made to defend ourselves to create safety. To keep us alive. To survive!

🔥 This is the FOUNDATION of our MINDSET.🗝
✓ How we fundamentally react and respond to everything.
✓ How we feel about ourselves.
✓ Why we do the things we do.
✓ Why we make the choices we make.

My experience with this... My automatic emotional responses!
The way I acted as a husband, father, friend...
It's a constant place to work and it's where I get to Deep Dive Today, to my “SELF.” Where we can Breakdown and Rebuild and become the Greatest Versions of Ourselves!

Shadow work and inner healing go hand in hand. Shadow work prompts for healing the inner child.

Joe Dispenza's morning meditation works on this and builds confidence and self-esteem.

Breaking Through and rebuilding our life through this work is what we are going to talk about today on Men’s BREAKTHROUGH HANGOUT!

Today's guest is Frank Chang who has a lot of amazing wisdom...
please follow Frank at:

The reason for Men's BREAKTHROUGH HANGOUT Podcast is to address the real topic men have on their minds! We dive deep and tear apart men and divorce, divorce rules, divorce lawyers and men and so many more topics.

We address divorce from the men's perspective.
Join us every week as we work to heal pain and suffering, and rebuild the man!

Whether you are recently separated… divorced for a while... or even married, still. What we’re going to talk about in this video... Will make a difference in your life.

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If you want to try out coaching to take you to the next level, please reach out for a Free 30 Breakthrough Coaching Call:

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