I got BURNED by the BERN, BERNie Sanders that is! Now I'm burning him from my mental space!

1 year ago

During the run up to the 2020 election, and the democratic primary, I had been swept away by a false sense of hope and fantasy that if we could just elect a semi-socialist as POTUS, we could begin to heal the divisions in our country. Bernie Sanders, the lifelong advocate for the people, or so I was led to believe.

After spending hundreds of dollars on credit cards to support the candidate, Bernie, and him rolling over to the DNC as they frauded him in the democratic primary, so that Joe Biden, His Friend, could take over Washington DC in a coup de ta from Trump. I also bought lots of Bullshit gear implicating Mitch McConnel and Trump with Putin during Russiagate. I was such a fool to get caught up in that BS, and even after getting a first rate bachelor and working on a masters degree, my views were jaded by the "authoritative" objectiveness of the Left (HAH)!

Luckily I got Real Woke and can see their BS with my eyes closed. I am not right or left but American, for as long as they can mentally divide the country, on false dichotomies, they will rule the masses of idiots they have created.

I filmed this May 30, 2021 while camping in the Allegheny National Forest, Marienville Ranger District.


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