"Guinea Feathers" Charcoal on paper sketch by Jodi Fuller for ArtForOUR.org

2 years ago

This was a collaboration between ArtForOUR.org and Jodi Fuller, an amazing charcoal sketch artist who has donated this piece to be sold to raise money for Operation Underground Railroad here: https://www.artforour.org/our/art-listed-by-artist/jodi-fuller

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Bio: Jodi Fuller

What did you want to be when you were a child? I knew many aspiring Astronauts, Marine Biologists, and Basketball Players. Me? I Wanted to be an Artist.

I like to think that this calling in life and I chose each other, fated to be life-long
friends. We started with black velvet Paint by Numbers and solidified our bond in my
first oil painting class when I was 12, later having the wonderful opportunity to be
mentored by famed Artist Jon McNaughton. Together we have gone through life’s
challenges, admired the worlds beauty, and in our trail created pieces inspired by things
that move us. When I make time for my art, my dear friend returns the favor ten-fold by
filling my soul, giving me joy, and connecting me with the world around me. Art has
encouraged me to learn, to grow, and has expanded my horizons into something
myself, or someone else finds important.

Art pushes me to let go of fear, of perfection, and of doubt. Our friendship continues
to evolve, as all should.

Later in life, when I’m old and wrinkled, I’ll remain young at heart with paint still
leaving its mark on my hands. My friend will still whisper to me and together, we will
continue to create and admire the splendor of life. It’s the best kind of friend one can
have, really.

For taking time to view and appreciate my art, thank you. It means the world.

Thank you for your amazing support!

#JodiFuller, #charcoalsketch

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