"Our message, should it be heeded, shall save your Earth"

2 years ago

On September 5, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, warn of the isles of California, famine, tidal waves – eruptions in Alaska, the South Pole (AnteAtlantis), upheavals in many places.

"Off of what thy know of the California coast, in the location of San Francisco, that proportion shall be no more. New land shall rise, approximately, of your miles, 25 miles. This land mass shall cover an area of 50-by-100 miles. Do not, at this time, flee to this island, for this island, as you would know it, shall sink again into the sea. When this time comes about, flee to the mountains; they shall be safe. And pray to God that when this time happens, your souls shall be in accord with His."

They speak of climbing the ladder by helping others up before you...and of our Father's love. "If thy should walk with His hand in yours, then happiness and love for all on your earth plane shall dwell for a thousand years. But remember, those thousand years shall not be as your count; they shall be as our Father counts."

"Now, as we have said before, we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah; therefore, we, in ourselves, are not important. We are important to God. Our message, should it be heeded, shall save your earth...."

"Do not kill this Prophet who comes after us, for if you should try, then God's wrath shall be upon you...."

"Remember also, at this time shall come the Anti-Christ, and his stay upon your earth shall be lean, and he shall try and stamp upon the foreheads of God’s children his name. Those who may resist this shall stay in the Book which was written in the beginning of time...."

"God has set no rules for the worshiping of Him; man has made those rules. God asks only that you love of Him and love of thy brothers and sisters of this earth plane...."

"Now is the time of the Cherub." Note: You can read their message in a new Book with Wings – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078KJTP1F?binding=paperback&searchxofy=true&ref_=dbs_s_aps_series_rwt_tpbk&qid=1675747529&sr=8-1

You can read the transcript of this message on September 5, 1970 (afternoon) here – https://www.angelfire.com/in4/aup_messiah/1970September05afternoon.audio.html

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