Airplane Engine Catches Fire #shorts Like 👍 and Subscribe

2 years ago

Panic on board: the engine of an aircraft with 309 passeggeri catches fire in flight with the drop. the video
The episode takes place on the Boeing 767-300 of Azur Air part of Phuket, in Thailand, direct to Krasnoyarsk, Russia

On February 5, more than 300 passengers attended the terrifying moment in which the engine of the aerial parrot caught fire during the landing at the Phuket international airport, in Thailand. Directly to Krasnoyarsk, in Russia. Some passengers on board are sono riusciti to recapture the scene inside the air: 45 minutes from which the air falls, it is a state of costress to become indietro and to have an emergency landfall. Because of the sudden braking, three pneumatics are damaged. Nessuno dei 12 membri dell'equipaggio e dei 309 passeggeri è rimasto ferito. Sono stati riaccompagnati all'interno del terminal dell'aeroporto. Ai passeggeri, rileva Giovanni D'Agata presidente dello “Sportello dei Diritti”, è stato fornito un hotel, pasti caldi e bevande analcoliche in attesa del volo, che è stato reprogrammato per l'indomani alle 12:25, has revealed a Telegram account russian. Follow the link of the video of the terrifying moment in which the motor turns on fire

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