EP 28 | What is CRT and Why Is it bad? Time To End Critical Race Theory

2 years ago

Date: 2/7/23

Name of Podcast: Our Republic Matters

Episode Title and Number:  What is CRT and Why Is it bad? Time To End Critical Race Theory Indoctrination of our children/28

Brief Summary:  
In this episode we discuss some breaking news and Part I of a series indoctrination of our children:

Critical Race Theory what it is and why it is bad for America.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a scholarly movement and interdisciplinary approach to examining the ways in which race and racism intersect with the law
and other systems of power in society.
It was developed by legal scholars in the late 1970s and 1980s, including Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and Richard Delgado.
The intended purpose of CRT is to uncover and challenge the ways in which systemic racism is perpetuated through the law and other institutions.

CRT argues that racism is not simply a matter of individual prejudice, but is instead embedded in the structures and policies of society.

CRT has been the subject of controversy in recent years, particularly in the United States. Some of the specific criticisms of CRT include:
1 Reverse racism: Critics argue that
CRT promotes reverse racism and discriminates against white people.
2 Political correctness: Some people feel that CRT is an attempt to censor free speech and promote a politically correct ideology.
3 Lack of objectivity: Critics argue that CRT is a biased and politically motivated ideology, rather than a neutral and objective approach to the study of race and racism.
4 Divisiveness: Some argue that CRT is a divisive ideology that exacerbates racial tensions and undermines unity in society.
Despite these criticisms, proponents of CRT argue that it is a necessary tool for understanding and combating systemic racism in society.

They argue that CRT provides a framework for examining the ways in which the law and other systems of power perpetuate racial inequality, and helps to create a more just and equitable society

Bullet Points of Key Topics + Chapter Markers:

00:00:00 - 00:00:29 Title / Intro
00:00:30 - 00:01:58 Senator John Kennedy
00:01:59 - 00:12:14 Breaking News
00:12:15 - 00:12:46 Video: China Spy Balloon Shot Down
00:12:47 - 00:13:11 Intro To Critical Race Theory
00:13:12 - 00:15:02 Video: What Is Critical Race Theory
00:15:13 - 00:20:06 Video: Privilege (PragerU)
00:20:07 - 00:29:51 Critical Race Theory Discussion
00:29:52 - 00:32:00. Video: Critical Race Theory: John MacArthur - The Master’s University
00:32:02 - 00:37:31 Video: CBN’s Gordon Robertson Calls On Americans To Dedicate Themselves to Prayer
00:37:32 - 00:38:39 Video: Assets versus Liabilities
00:38:40 - 00:42:20 Business Ads

See inks below to the videos used in this podcast:


John MacArthur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yyv6EyzZ47g
700 Club Call for Prayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXnypB6gP2w
Critical Race Theory, Explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhRPlsa-Y-0
Privilege PragerU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la2aYQVRK34
The Heritage Foundation: https://www.heritage.org/
Real Clear Policy: https://www.realclearpolicy.com/
ShowMe Institute: https://showmeinstitute.org/
CBS News: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/critical-race-theory-teachers-union-honest-history/
EDWeek: https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/teachers-unions-vow-to-defend-members-in-critical-race-theory-fight/2021/07
Senator John Kennedy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-du9QKsRbw&t=96s

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