They Actually Admitted They're Lying To You!

1 year ago

They Actually Admitted They're Lying To You!

April 12, 2022

Moment Of Clarity with Lee Camp

In it I reveal that the Joe Biden Administration and others have broken from the past and literally admitted they are "manipulating" or inventing various aspects of the war in Ukraine.

I'm not kidding. They admitted it.

It’s been obvious for a long time that the US empire has been working to shore up narrative control to strengthen its hegemonic domination of the planet via internet censorship, propaganda, Silicon Valley algorithm manipulation, and the normalization of the persecution of journalists. We may now simply be at the stage of imperial narrative control where they can begin openly manufacturing the consent of the public to be lied to for their own good.

Just as the smear campaign against Julian Assange, trained political puppets and corporate media talking heads, are defending the right of their government to keep secrets from public, we may now be looking at the stage of narrative control advancement where corporate media talking heads, train us to defend the right of the government to lie to us.

Do Pathological Liars Know They're Lying?

We sometimes throw around the term "pathological liar" to mean somebody who has a convenient relationship with the truth (cough, cough, Politicians). That's not actually what the term means, though. Pathological lying occupies a different category altogether, one in which lies are so extensive, so perpetual, and so well-entrenched that they go on for years and can involve anything, even something as minor as the color shoes they're wearing. This isn't a person fibbing to get out of a parking ticket. It's somebody whose lying has stepped way outside the bounds of normal human behavior and into intriguing new territory — indeed, pathological liars may not even always know they're lying.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about pathological liars, partially because they're so intensely rare; a study of 1,000 juvenile repeat offenders found that only about eight showed signs of pathological lying, and that was already a skewed view of the population in general. Do pathological liars really believe what they're saying? What do they get out of it, particularly if their lies keep getting them in trouble? Are they suffering from other problems, or is pathological lying a disorder all of its own?


Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King

The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.


I am one of the most censored comedians in America. If you want to see my work continue, become a member at http://LeeCamp.Net and get exclusive content.

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