Serene Teffaha speaks with Laura Hinks

2 years ago

Laura Hinks and Serene Teffaha discuss the mammoth challenge faced by Laura (an innocent mother who is being pursued by the system, specifically by NT police). She innocently brought forward her daughter's disclosures only to have her children confiscated by the police and child protection within 78 hours without proper investigation. This is an all too common story. The difference is that Laura has been persecuted by a cruel and pathetic media who can't be bothered asking basic questions about her case. The police are nothing short of corrupt. Our Country has become a cesspit of crime and persecution. We do need the public support to put an end once and for all to this cruel corruption against children disclosing and mothers or parents who are protective:

Please get behind Laura in helping fund her legal case as well as support her in locating safe accommodation. It is absolutely strange that the people she needs protection from are the police. No surprise.

With all the exposure now again all the Chinese and Australian criminal syndicates, it is breathtaking that the police focus on innocent women and children.

If you would like to donate please transfer into the following account and strictly put the code Laura in the transfer to identify the transfer.

Serene's clients from CoVision have already pledged support and this has covered legal costs so far. We are now going into the next chapter. This is a monumental case against state corruption. Please get behind Laura.

The account is CoVision Bank of Australia
BSB 313-140
Account # 12 390 751
***Please mark your donation with LAURA

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