How to Do a Phone Detox | Family Life on the Homestead and a Chicken Fight

2 years ago

Phone Detox

Is your life busy or do you feel busy? Me too.

Have you ever been mentally exhausted? I bet most of us have even if we haven’t admitted it.

You may be stressed from work.

Or, overwhelmed with family and friends stuff doing on. It’s never fun.


You may just want a moment to breathe.

Or, maybe you are a new mom barely holding on.

Sadly, each of us will have different experiences and stresses that pull us one way or another.

While, I love technology. I also hate it.

Recently, I moved a lot of my applications from my phone to my iPad. Guess what, I started using the iPad more. What is going on!?! I need a break.

Here I am, volunteering working on our homestead, wanting to create videos, which I do love doing. Don’t get my wrong here.

Yet, time takes me away.

Stay tuned…we will come back to this:

In 1 Timothy, it says the one who does not provide for his household is worse than an unbeliever. This is strong language.

Am I guilty of this? Am I not providing in ways I should for my family?

Has technology become an idol and an enemy?

The level of use will vary among us.

But, as a father, I want to be available mentally with my kids.

Some kind of detox is coming. It must come.

Honestly, thinking about maybe not having my phone on me while I work scares me. Why does it scare me? It doesn’t need to.

Perhaps this is proof it has a grip on me.

The hold technology has needs to be disrupted.

Typically when you want to change and break a habit, you have to replace it with something else.

My “something else” is time with my kids and family. Be engaged and listen to what they say and do everything I can to be present in the moment.

No more moments passing on by. This is my goal. This is my aim.

But I have a question.

The garden is really neat. This is something I am weak in and my wife is strong. But we take a little seed and it grows into a fruit or veggie. It nourishes our body.

Though, you have to be present to work the ground to get the best harvest. Laziness may cause damage to the outcome of the harvest.

I don’t want to waste my time with my family.

My question is, in a world of technology, in which I do stay connected with my family. How would you go about detoxing your technology use?

Do you go cold turkey for x amount of days? Or, do I say between 6a-8am I can check a few things but then not again until 7pm for a brief moment.

If you are, or were in a position that I am in in my thinking, what would you recommend?

Let me know and I may implement this!

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