Canadian Bill of Rights , Charter of Rights & Notwithstanding Clause!

1 year ago

Many Soverings are oblivious of this nasty Bill of Rights, the Canadian Charter and" the " Notwithstanding Clause

You really have no rights (except voting).
An eye opener why courts, justice, laywers, judges, voting, and the pLandemic has and always will continue!

Canada Needs To Go !!!

We need to inform, edcuate, build local community awareness ASAP
Restore a Contract locally - Call it a Constituion of the Township of Airdrie, or Pelly. Remove the corrupt system locally each town, village.

We NEVER had a LAW, We must edcuate facts, How we must restore Law, and Protect our Unaliebale rights.

Share this imporant informaion Zoom 5 - 10 PM Est daily

The notwithstanding clause, boiled down, is just " you have all these rights and freedoms, right until canada Inc say you don't".

"Rights aren't rights if someone can take them away. They're temporary privileges." Parasite Pierre Elliot Trudeau and friends for the 'Notwithstanding' inclusion in the Charter.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms isn't worth the paper it's printed on. The Notwithstanding Clause is a catchall "Canada and its goons Politicians,lawyer,s (

) can do whatever they like" provision!

Charter of Rights and Freedoms are NOT worth the paper it was written on,. They are a deception!

Basically just some words put together so unedcuated people can sleep at night because they believe it protects them

Rights are extant and absolute: that's specifically what defines a right, regardless of what you call the document you put them into.

Rights aren't granted by government, by individual, or entoes they are unaliobele rights that never can be rmoved., they are recognized and protected....or not, as in the case of Canada INC.

lesson for all Canadians. Knowledge is power. I encourage all sovereign to educate themselves. Work on a contract - that removes their false constituion, bill of nor rights, the charter of NO rights, the Corupt not withstanding cluause together!

Many Soverings are oblivious of this nasty "clause." Notwithstanding Clause

You alwasy had nothing and you will never have anything unless you edcuate facts , and start to work on a Solution!

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