Many Occult Ancient Sites On or Near the 33rd Line Of Latitude

1 year ago

The author of this video has a Mystical Zohar perspective. So take it with a grain of Salt. Nevertheless, they are deceivers... 33 is a very important number to the Occultists.

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."
[2 Timothy 3:13]

And again from ancient cities and temples... Tyre, Pheonix, UFO's, Ancient Aliens, White Pyramid, crash at Roswell, Horoshima nuclear blast and Moon Landing. I'll cut to the chase it's Fallen Angels and The influence of the Spirit of Antichrist.

Why do so many ancient sites sit on or near the 33rd line of latitude? And why have so many historical events of our modern world throughout the twentieth century taken place along that same line? When we factor in connections to secret societies, the number 33 shows up time and again in the most bizarre and thought-provoking ways. Is this nothing more than a coincidence, or might there be an altogether more esoteric reason?

Video Credit: Zohar StarGate Ancient Discoveries

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