OCA Podcast - 01: Rare Anime Sets (Reupload)

2 years ago

Welcome to The OCA Podcast where we discuss all things related to collecting anime. Thanks for watching!

Schedule: (If you have any suggestions for additional timestamps, please let me know in the comments)

0:00:00 - We're live!
0:00:20 - Introductions
0:04:30 - Weekly pick-ups
0:18:33 - DC/Marvel tangent
0:23:08 - Podcast name discussion
0:26:07 - Discussing oversized boxsets
0:33:38 - Space Adventure Cobra
0:35:20 - Devilman
0:37:03 - Slipcovers/Anime Sols discussion
0:42:03 - The evolution of shopping for anime
0:48:39 - Aniplex rant
0:49:38 - NIS America story
0:52:52 - Right Stuf Christmas Sale
0:54:46 - Can't keep up with premium sets
0:57:51 - Rare Anime discussion starts
0:58:13 - Ogy's story about Orihime
1:03:49 - Brick and mortar store tangent
1:08:12 - Rare Anime discussion continues
1:11:40 - ImaginAsian Sets
1:20:12 - Most expensive anime
1:23:32 - Only Yesterday/Kiki's Delivery Service
1:26:26 - VHS/Laserdisc
1:28:09 - Nanaka 6/17 million dollar story
1:29:23 - Girls und Panzer one dollar story
1:30:32 - Ogy's Toonami Banjo Kazooie story
1:33:31 - VHS discussion continued
1:35:08 - ADV Fansubs
1:35:35 - Filmco
1:37:25 - Collecting frustrations
1:37:34 - False-sense of completion
1:38:21 - Missing slipcovers
1:45:19 - Non-existent releases
1:45:35 - Compiler DVD
1:46:07 - Disgaea Artbox
1:46:20 - Geisters DVD 4
1:47:00 - Rare Anime discussion resumes
1:47:10 - Blood+
1:47:35 - City Hunter
1:50:20 - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
1:51:40 - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure production Hell
1:56:55 - Annoying sets
1:57:01 - Ranma rainbow
1:57:25 - Gatchaman
1:58:15 - GaoGaiGar
1:59:12 - Paul Champagne custom artboxes
2:00:58 - Gasaraki
2:02:17 - Gundam Wing
2:02:59 - Potential ways to help fund the channel
2:13:58 - Oddly shaped DVDs
2:14:20 - Rurouni Kenshin Premium Boxsets
2:15:33 - Little Witch Academia
2:15:57 - Umineko NIS Premium
2:16:27 - .hack//SIGN hexabox
2:16:45 - Umaru-chan Limited Edition
2:16:51 - My Otome Zwei
2:17:20 - Darker than Black Premium Edition
2:17:36 - Cowboy Bebop FUNimation Exclusive
2:20:08 - Bootleg series overview
2:24:52 - Room Tour plans
2:31:47 - Bootleg series sneak peek
2:36:52 - Anime we'd like to see relicensed tangent
2:38:24 - Bootlegs discussion continues
2:48:52 - Obscure and Dollar Store releases
2:54:49 - Edited podcast discussion
3:00:20 - Ogy's Daikin Festival story/swag
3:02:03 - Podcast logo discussion
3:06:24 - Wrap up

Link dump (May contain affiliate links):

-Resident Evil Vendetta:
∟DVD: https://amzn.to/2WWB1VJ
∟blu-ray: https://amzn.to/3yO0Vbf
∟4K: https://amzn.to/3kQ5BZc
∟4K https://amzn.to/3yFKIos
-Anime News Network (non-existent releases):
∟Compiler DVD: http://www.animenewsnetwork.cc/encyclopedia/releases.php?id=1076
∟Disgaea Artbox: http://www.animenewsnetwork.cc/encyclopedia/releases.php?id=7482
∟Geisters DVD 4: http://www.animenewsnetwork.cc/encyclopedia/releases.php?id=4355
-Article Ogy was talking about regarding a new Chinese City Hunter live-action series: http://www.animenewsnetwork.cc/news/2016-10-11/city-hunter-manga-gets-new-chinese-live-action-film/.107497
-The type of microphone I was talking about for the logo: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61xUuOeL97L._SL1219_.jpg


Want to support the OCA Podcast or get involved in the discussion?

►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/OCAPodcast
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OCAPodcast
►Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OCAPodcast/
►Discord: https://discord.gg/jMUNYkwXWB

Be sure to follow Ogy on Twitter and check out his content:


The Overencumbrance Blog (archived link because it goes down a lot): https://web.archive.org/web/20190510133400/https://overencumbrance.com/author/donjobo/


To help ensure that I'm able to continue to produce content, please like this video, leave a comment, and share it with your friends!

►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/animecollector
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►Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeiferusMC
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seiferus/
►Anime-Planet: http://www.anime-planet.com/users/Seiferus
►Merch Store: https://stealthweeb.com
►Right Stuf Affiliate Link: https://bit.ly/3x4aQcC

#AnimeCollector #OCAPodcast #RareAnime

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