How to Overcome "Think About It” - Get the FREE Sales Guide Now!

2 years ago

When you go for the close and your customer says "I want to think about it", remain calm and ask your customer, “What do you need to think about?” Then be quiet and listen. Question their objection.

Let there be an uncomfortable silence. Wait for your customer to answer. Let your customer express their opinion.

Then go back over the information you gathered early on in the sale. Close on product concept. Close on Emotional needs.

“You told me ______ and you said that you wanted a solution for __________, right? “ Get a “Yes”. “And you like the product… right?” Get another “Yes” and say, “Okay, great, let’s go ahead and get you started now.” BE QUIET.

You should have a list of all the information you gathered from your customer during the sale process. If you don’t then you need to GO BACK and repeat the sales process steps. Get the Free Sales Guide Now!

Following a sales process will help you close more sales deals. The best part about following a sales process is that you will realize EARLY if the prospect is not a “good-fit” so you can move on to a new prospect that might turn out to be a “good fit” and you can close the sale.

Download your free sales guide, “Seven Steps to Closing Sales Deals”

★☆★ Hi this is Benjamin Brown, I want to help you close more sales. Call me. I want to give you a free sales coaching session. Let’s talk.
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