Existential Accounting in Life Choices | Dr. Dmitry A. Leontiev | W11a Meaning Conference 2002

2 years ago

9 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. Conference Workshop
W11 Dmitry A. Leontiev, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Moscow State University

Existential Accounting in Life Choices

We are constantly choosing, even when we try to avoid or postpone it. Sometimes we are satisfied or proud with our choices, sometimes we feel uneasy and regret about our choices already made. Are we completely aware of the price we pay for every choice? Both gains and losses may be measured in a number of currencies: resources (time, money, health, power), possibilities (that exist till the choice is finally made), reputation (image, social status), myself (coherence, authenticity and ability to change), etc. Do we consider all of these value contexts while making choices? Do we make the proper accounting of all the gains and losses — not only in terms of success and money, but also in terms of other “currencies”? Different cultures elaborate and stress different values — success, or human relationships, or authenticity. All of them belong to the most important aspects of life, and we may learn from different cultures to avoid self-restricting adherence to one or few values. Existential accounting is a way toward making choices you would not regret, of considering more value contexts, more things that are really important to you. You cannot avoid paying for every choice — what you can is being aware of the exact price you have to pay before you do it.

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