This Land is Our Land… right?

2 years ago

In this week's North American Ag Spotlight Chrissy Wozniak sits down with Ben Burr, Executive Director of Blue Ribbon Coalition to talk about property rights issues popping up all around the country. These issues are not only affecting farms, but also people who own rural property in remote areas, and those who enjoy recreational activities in the great outdoors. Ben explains the issues and gives advice on how to move forward. He stresses the importance of fighting the overreaching policy that is causing this.

Ben Burr has been with the organization for almost two years, is familiar with the organization’s current portfolio of work. He has been building relationships with the network of allies that have been integral to BRC’s success and he brings a depth of experience that serves BRC well. He has been engaged in public land policy since he was a teenager working for a helicopter logging operation. He grew up in Utah where he learned to enjoy all forms of outdoor recreation. He spent seven years working in the U.S. Senate as a digital media specialist. Prior to joining BRC, he was working as private public land consultant.

The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC) is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that promotes responsible use of natural resources, a strong conservation ethic, and expanded recreation access for all public land users. It has been working to fulfill this mission since 1987, and it has successfully protected access to millions of acres of public land, thousands of miles of roads, and recreation opportunities for a wide range of recreation users. BRC is uniquely positioned to continue advancing the interests of its members through strategic legal work, aggressive engagement in administrative actions, effective education programs, and a strong commitment to the benefits that come to individuals and families from getting out and enjoying the great outdoors.

Learn more about Blue Ribbon Coalition at

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