Group of ANGELIC LIGHT BEINGS on a Bright Daylight?!?!?! #UFO #Alien #ET#Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

Group of ANGELIC LIGHT BEINGS on a Bright Daylight?!?!?!
Or, is this one of Council of Nine or 24 Seeder races observing our progress?? Read more about Merkaba Spaceship below...
"They are here and are ready to show themselves as the TIME has ARRIVED"

Proof: Cellphone footage captured over Dos Palos California

One important thing is that Arcturians and Pleiadians are similar in shape, i.e. Tetrahedron and Merkaba.

Pleiadian spaceship...
You will never see a Pleiadian spaceship because their spaceship is Merkaba. Pleiadians travel through time and space in Merkaba. That's why when we see Pleiadian ships, we see a sphere of light, because the Merkaba spins very fast and we don't the mechanical structures.

What are ANGELS?
ANGELS are the projection of the LIGHT of PURE GEOMETRY. They look like LIGHT in the SHAPE of a HUMAN, but are not specifically same as humans. They are PURE GEOMETRY patterns moving all around them, with something that looks like face without mouth, and with feathers all over and huge wings.
Pleiadians are similar to Angels, but they are more closer to human shape, like we can see their faces, their mouth and they can talk to us, they have hands, they have feet.

Pleiadians belong to the FOURTH and the FIFTH dimensions.

ANGELS are the GEOMETRICAL BEINGS which belong to the SIXTH and the SEVENTH dimensions. They are aware of everything that is happening in every dimensions, and they are the PROTECTORS of this REALITY.

Arcturians have different races too, like Blacks, Albinos and Blue. The BLUES ones lived in Atlantis, they were the WISE ones to give wisdom, they came to teach us about our blood, about the TRUTH within us, that's why in ALL the ANCIENT CULTURES those BLUE ONES were the GODS that taught us ABOUT the POWER WITHIN. That's why in Mexico, in S.America, in Egypt, in India we see GODS with BLUE SKIN. Arcturians are also the ones who were called the FALLEN ANGELS who interbred with Earth humans. And, their children were called the DEMI-GODS. They created this race called ATIL-KHEF the blue ones, i.e. the ATLANTIANS. These BLUE SKINNED ATLANTIANS gave us all the MEDICINE book across various CULTURES on EARTH.

Pleiadian have different races too, like Black, Red, Yellow, White, Blue etc. It's their energy color rather than the skin color. So, their spheres have colors based on their energy vibrations. They don't have genitals, they procreate through sexuality, i.e. without touching but feeling the sexuality spiritually. They don't eat so have small mouth, they have long necks for better vibrations. They are the ones who brought art, music and architectures to us. That's why Greeks mentioned their teachings as they taught us the power within.

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