Why Science is Broken - When Science and Religion Trade Places

2 years ago

Pew Research Center has been documenting American's declining confidence in scientists in general and medical scientists in particular. In this first video in my series on "Why Science is Broken", I discuss the traits of Science and Religion and how over the past few years, public health "experts" have been acting more like religious leaders than traditional scientists. Real science follows the scientific method which relies on asking questions, and transparency around sharing data, analysis, and publication of results. Real science welcomes debate. In contrast, many religions equate questioning authority with heresy and feel the need to persecute "heretics".

In 1633 Galileo was placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life for holding unacceptable view and spreading disinformation such as the idea that the Earth orbits the Sun.

Over the past few years, Real Science has been twisted into a State religion where supreme authorities issue proclamations that people are punished for questioning.

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