I MUST MAKE IT - Powerful Motivational Speech

2 years ago

Don't ever underestimate yourself. You have to find a way, you MUST find a way, and you will find a way. This is not the end for you. Do not take this life for granted. Live every moment knowing you will have no regrets. New Motivational Speech by Walter Bond, Dr. Jessica Houston, Eric Thomas, Coach Pain and Les Brown. Edited by Motiversity.

"Tough times can make you, or they can break you."

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Eric Thomas

Dr. Jessica Houston
YouTube: https://bit.ly/2PXZqTV
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-jessica-houston-4515ba38/

Walter Bond
YouTube: http://bit.ly/WalterBondMotivation
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Book: https://walterbond.com/book-walter-bond/

Marcus “Elevation” Taylor
YouTube: http://bit.ly/38FUFoS
Instagram: http://bit.ly/3aLfu3P
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2TB9uoi
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Les Brown

Coach Pain
YouTube: http://bit.ly/2LmRyea
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2XLcLW5
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Website: http://bit.ly/2YTgWvq
Book Coach Pain: http://bit.ly/2JMefFu

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