Sam Smith & The Devil (Grammy Performance) Gays Against Groomers - Can Christians be possessed?

2 years ago

2023-02-06 Sam Smith & The Devil (Grammy Performance) Gays Against Groomers - Can Christians be Demon possessed?

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*DISCLAIMER* All descriptions are generated by AI, and are not always super accurate, although usually entertaining…

On the latest episode of the "Ask a Christian" podcast, host Nate Cunningham delves into a range of thought-provoking topics. The first topic covered is the recent Grammy performance by Sam Smith, where the singer dressed up in a devil costume. The discussion then shifts to the issue of "gays against groomers" and the difference between traditionally gay people who simply want to live their lives and those who seek to indoctrinate children.

The conversation then turns to the question of whether or not Christians can be demon-possessed and if they can indoctrinate children into different beliefs, both religious and non-religious. The discussion of presuppositional apologetics follows, as Nate explains why this approach can be a difficult sell to some people.

Towards the end of the episode, Chris learns about snakes, which makes for a fascinating and educational segment. The "Ask a Christian" book is also mentioned, as Nate encourages listeners to purchase the book and learn more about their discussions. By purchasing the book, listeners can support the cause and join the discussion.

For those interested in supporting the "Ask a Christian" cause even further, there is a link to the "Ask a Christian" store in the video or podcast description. Here, people can purchase gear that will start conversations about Christianity and allow them to be a part of the discussion. Whether you're a long-time listener or just discovering the podcast, this episode of "Ask a Christian" offers a wealth of insights and perspectives on a wide range of topics. So don't miss out, tune in today!

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