Golf+ VR, my 1st full day and explaining how good and Realistic this is , I can't, you got to get in

2 years ago

2/6/23 - Golf+ VR has blow my mind. gave up golfing on flat screens after 20 years of playing them, This is as close as it gets to the Real thing, Golf is back for me baby, I Love it !! BTW, you will see screen get really fuzzy at times, sorry for that, but I fix it by screen settings when it happens, just give it a min. hopefully future videos will not do this, working on why this happens. If anyone knows why I would be very thankful for the info, thank you and please give a sub if you can, just trying to grow. Oh BTW again lol, this is so real like that I may just give up my 2 years of iRacing for this, lots went into that. -- Watch live at

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