Ode to Coffee - Joy of Mom’s Desiring - My Tribute

2 years ago

It can be said that some of life’s greatest pieces of art, expressions and expeditions of various types have stemmed from a place of anguish. Desperation. Heartbreak.

As I wistfully sipped on my last cup of coffee this morning, seated at my unfinished, wooden table which has accompanied me through many morning cups, with a tear slowly trickling down my cheek, this poetic masterpiece bubbled up from the depths of my aching soul.

😂 Just kidding about the drama. But seriously, pray for me and all those who depend on me or are forced to interact with me on a regular basis as I attempt to make this transition. As you can see in some of the photos that zoom by (if you pause to look closer), my brain before coffee can be a ghastly thing.

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