Achoo! Gezundheit! (God Bless You.)

1 year ago

Webb to Beyer: “Science Dude, When Not Studying Remedial High School Precalculus, You See That Article in PNAS on Probability of One COVID-10 Virion in a Droplet?”

[FOB FREEDOM, February 7, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Reporting live from the world’s newest banana republic, Congressman Don Beyer, Jr., who, at least according to the Washington Post had scored “almost perfect SATs”, certainly impressed the over 75% of voters in one of the most educated, by credentials, congressional districts in the nation, with the highest concentration of government scientists, when he told reporters that he spent time doing multivariate equations homework for his precalculus course at George Mason University, and most probably didn’t know that he already had the worst roll call voting record in the entire Congress. But, apparently “Donny Come Lately” is one helluva salesman, because he actually sold his district on leading the congress in proxy votes during a once in a lifetime pandemic crisis, and even got faith leaders to endorse his pride in four kids who had rejected God, church and religion. And, as the nation ponders how the Intelligence Community and fully vaccinated defense establishment missed spy balloons from China, apparently on multiple occasions letting them, you know, escape, wait until they discover that had they read the reports from the Proceedings for the National Academies of Science (PNAS), they may have been a bit hesitant in 95% vaccinated Arlington to sign up for a COVID-19 countermeasure that had been developed without the prerequisite knowledge of infectious dose to ascertain the proper correlates of protection to develop an effective, and not just efficacious vaccine, without requiring a large sample size phase three clinical trial.

Remember the surprised look in the Project Veritas Gotcha video? Imagine when those following the science hear this about the clinical trial in which they volunteered apparently fully informed, assuming as high as a 36% risk for serious adverse events associated with the Pfizer product alone, translating into around 18% of the American population at risk for a clear and present danger from the “safe and effective vaccines”, are able to process that they did all of this, closed businesses, churches and schools, and postponed vacations and fine dining for not only a disease with only a 1.1% case fatality rate, but also, at least according to PNAS, a disease in which there is only a 0.37% chance of finding even one COVID-19 virion in a droplet measuring 10 microns or below, trailing off exponentially the smaller the droplet is.

“If you’re ever invited to a soccer game and can’t see the ball, don’t volunteer to play goalie, I always say. And this pandemic takes double blind studies to a whole new level,” remarked Major Mike Webb, a former biological warfare planner, still apparently tickled by the thought of a blind goalie in pandemic socker, before falling on the floor in uproarious laughter saying what sounded like “Cookies!”

This Wednesday Webb takes on Alexandria Prosecutor Bryan Porter to bring a case to compel a grand jury investigation into the infections of the former pastor of the First Baptist Church of Alexandria, and one well-known family in that congregation, who had been featured in the Washington Post, asking what were the odds, while a case brought against five historic Black Churches from Harlem to Atlanta for a vaccines only worship policy continues to work its way through the federal court in Alexandria. And in his free time, the former childhood protege of a legendary civil rights and criminal defense attorney is awaiting watching the Academy Awards to hear the jokes about his racketeering case against late-night talk show host James “Christian” Kimmel, who had begun promoting vaccine absolutism in March 2015, around the same time that Chapel Hill-UNC had collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a class of government scientists for which the Intelligence Community had assigned a low to moderate risk of permitting lethal and contagious biohazards to escape, to cultivate a virus in vitro, for the very first time, and, ironically a SARS-like, chimeric coronavirus, for which they immediately applied for a patent on methodology. Intelligence sources are still awaiting reports regarding the balloons the size of six commercial busses that may have been missed flying over North Carolina, while folks were looking for UFOs—we mean unexplained aerial phenomena.

Note: grandiosity is a classic sign of bipolar disorder, and we don't want to hurt his feelings lest he go to “that place”, so familiar to Arlington Public School Board Member, Latina Cristina Torres-Diaz.

Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim-cherry. A pandemic agent as lucky can be. Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim--achoo. The luck'll rub off when I bump fists with you. Or blow me a kiss, and catch COVID-2.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

For more on this topic, please call Major Mike Webb for Virginia at (802) HOT-RLTW, or email at

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