Tucker Carlson Tonight 6 Feb 2023

1 year ago

What was the point of a relatively low tech, easily identified balloon overflight of the continental USA? Humiliation and middle finger. Neocon Marco Rubio joins Tucker to refute claims that these balloons have been overflying the USA for years and they are no big deal. Stay tuned, there is much more to this story. Maybe we the people will find out what's as yet been unsaid.
Near collision runway incursion at Austin, TX airport. Good job mayor Pete.
Kevin Bass a young medical researcher wrote an article about how the scientific community got covid policy wrong. Seems uncontroversial to me.
Chadwick Moore joins Tucker to break down the Satanic Ritual (brought to you by Pfizer) on display at the Grammy Awards show.
Horace Cooper joins Tucker to discuss Affirmative Action/DEI quotas in the workforce. They aren't doing what they think they are doing, unless what they are designed to do is destroy the country.
Chris Rufo joins Tucker to discuss college anti-white lesson plans.

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