"The Cup of God's Wrath", (Jeremiah 25:1-38), 2023-02-05, Longbranch Community Church

2 years ago

Join with us as Pastor John Day unpacks Jeremiah 25:1-38; one of the most terrifying chapters in the entire bible. In this chapter God pours out his righteous and unbridled Cup of Wrath upon Jerusalem/Judah first – and the all the rest of the Godless, disobedient nations, including Babylon. Why??? Because they refused to listen and obey His manifest Word.

The simple fact is that God is – light and love; but contrary to the teachings of the post-modern church, love occasionally requires anger, and wrath.

Our day started with a celebration of our sweet Ms. Carol’s 89th birthday, and ended (thankfully) with a choice at The Lords Table. Will you drink from the cup of wrath – or would you prefer the cup of redemption? No one is exempt – and none shall escape judgement.

*Today’s message begins at the 22 minute / 19 second mark.

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