Intro Music That Goes on Way Too Long Before the Host Comes In

1 year ago

Intro music is nice because right off the bat it sets the tone for the show; it immediately creates a vibe for the listeners. But when the intro music goes on way too long by itself before the host comes in, the listeners can get bored or frustrated or both or etc.

Of course I’m talking about a standard podcast show which starts with some music and then the host comes in and says, “Hello, welcome to the show!”

Listeners aren’t listening to your show to hear music (unless of course it’s a music show!) so get on with it and start the show after only a short bit of music. Of course the music can keep going underneath as the host welcomes the listeners, etc., and then fade out gently after a bit.

In the end, there are no rules, which is awesome. But you may want to be aware of how your listeners are reacting to various aspects of your show.


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