Budd Hopkins on how polio, Orson Welles, and UFOs impacted his life and art

1 year ago

21st Century Radio® host Dr. Bob Hieronimus chats with renowned abstract painter Budd Hopkins to discuss his memoir Art, Life and UFOs. They discuss everything from how childhood illness turned Hopkins into an artist, to a run-in with Jack Kerouac at the height of his career.

Budd Hopkins is also the author of staples in UFOlogy such as Intruders and Missing Time.

Conversation originally recorded in 2009. Produced by Hieronimus & Co. for 21st Century Radio®. Edited version provided to Nightlight Radio with permission.

To purchase Art, Life, and UFOs, head to https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1933665416/hierco0f

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