What is a Starseed? with Tracey Clark

2 years ago

Are you a Starseed? Have you been wondering? What is a Starseed? How would you know if you were one? What kind of spiritual guides might you have? What kind of Starseed are you?

We will answer all of these questions and more with special guest Tracey Clark, all the way from New Zealand!

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Blessings, My name is Tracey Clark,
I am an Energy and Reiki Healer from New Zealand who Channels Pleiadians and Ancient Sirians...Angels. I work together with Pleiadians and Sirian Angels on a Sovereign frequency as Starseed Advisor. I work to
connect Earth-assigned Starseeds to their Angelic/Galactic Teams.. lift them into knowing who they are, and prepare them for Telepathy. I also awaken Humans to having more than one assigned Pleiadian Angel Watcher, this supports them by lifting them out of the frequency of fear. Lifting and shifting spiritually is easy... I keep it simple… because it is. I have a calling to help Starseeds start generating… so they can expand and lift… maintain… find purpose and ease their Journey. When a genuine Starseed is awakened to who they are.. they become Beacons of light and lift Humanity… Starseeds hold an important space in the system of things… when we lift... we secure Humanity from vibrating too low… I am assigned to awaken Earth Angels… I am Sirian. Bless.

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