The Dissolution & Solution of The Family Unit(y) with Luv-A-Lution | Dissolving The Divide #7

1 year ago

Really fantastic conversation with this luvly couple Amy Pierce & John-Paul of Luv-A-Lution! This discussion revolves around how 2 people can form a relationship and cultivate a solid foundation for the future generation. As stated with our show, we had to lay down the proper foundation built upon eternal pillars, as should any endeavor and relationship, which starts within each individual and the relationship they have within themselves.. Amy & John-Paul are a great example of a conscious couple, role-model parents & teachers, sovereign individuals and entrepreneurs living their dream in taking responsibility for their lives on their self-sufficient off-grid homestead.

from Derek: My apologies for the audio technicalities.. The internet was glitching all weekend where I was which made my audio & video freeze up a bit throughout our discussion.. Amy & Jean-Paul had to make a special internet arrangement for us, as they're off-grid and their reception can be limited at times.

We use the term Anarchist in its purest form, meaning self soveriegnty ~no masters, no slaves.. abiding by eternal Principles, Codes of Consciousness as the spiritual non-manmade rules to live by.. it's 'no rulers,' not the distorted 'no rules' slogan.

please help support honest independent business and consider their luvly products:

Their website has a lot of wonderful surprises in their with many resources, blogs, videos, inspiration, information and their other wellness services.

Bitchute Channel:
Odyssey Channel:
Instagram Page: luvalution33

Free and User Friendly Website:
*Life-Guides with Contacts Page
*All in 1 Health Supplement with links to EBay & Etsy Stores
*Truth Speakers Page (80+ Truth Seekers & Speakers)
*More Links Tab (informative videos)

link to their first interview together where they delve deep into their Luvalution superfood blend & all it's benefits (which i've personally taken):

If you're interested in 1-on-1 counseling, consider contacting @lesliepowers3487 for a free consultation:

Derek's links to over 200 intriguing videos and projects:

Contact either Leslie or Derek if you would like to participate in this series

Thank you for supporting Dissolving The Divide!

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