GOD is OMNISCIENT | The Attributes of God | Arthur Pink | Audio

1 year ago

A Sermon Message Authored By: Arthur Walkington Pink

A. W. Pink - Nothing relating to the future is uncertain so far as the actualization of God's counsels are concerned. None of His decrees are left contingent either upon creatures or secondary causes. There is no future event which is only a mere possibility, that is, something which may or may not come to pass, "Known unto God are all His works from the beginning" (Acts 15:18). Whatever God has decreed is inexorably certain, for He is without variableness, or shadow of turning (James 1:17).

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Audio Source:
The Narrated Puritan
Thomas Sullivan
Contact: https://www.sermonaudio.com/solo/soluschristus/contact/

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We are a radio broadcast located in Owensboro, Kentucky.

Though these narrations now span the last 37 years and consist of the largest collection of unique names of pastors in reformed and Puritan churches since the reformation in audiobook format, they mostly are the best of the last 6 years of a collection of the most solemn and searching, consoling and counseling, casuistical and Christ-centered sermons since the Reformation.

Thomas Sullivan: Now in the 38th year of narrating Puritan and Reformed Books. Begun in Dec. of 1985 as a ministry to blind patrons of the Chapel Library, then in Venice, FL. Now the world's largest collection of narrated authors of Puritan and Reformed convictions.

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