2/6/23 Mandala Monday

2 years ago

The Solfeggio Frequency and Mandala to support us this week.
Solfeggio Mandala 543Hz, Natural, I AM
Living in the moment is a great and wonderful power. There is energy within all of us to make something happen. We are each a particle of the universe, a particle of divinity! We are each able to manifest greatness, greatness for ourselves, as well as for the world.

Declarations are deceptively significant. Begin by declaring to yourself, “I am perfect, I love and accept myself as I am.” This will be your own manifesto. Continue to dream bigger than you ever imagined before. Soon you will find that your intentions become reality, and what you create will become your environment. Your sense of self is the first building block in shaping your destiny. There is no limit to what you can choose to be, there is no limit to what we may create.

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