|| Alan Watts || Society, A Perpetual Cycle ||

1 year ago

Alan Watts believed that society operates in a perpetual cycle, in which individuals are born, live their lives, and eventually die. However, this cycle is not a straight line, but rather a constantly repeating pattern. He saw society as a whole as being like this cycle, where it is constantly being reborn and re-formed, with each new generation creating its own unique expressions of culture and values. Watts saw this as a dynamic and evolving process that is never truly complete, as each new generation brings new ideas, perspectives, and innovations. He emphasized the importance of embracing this process and recognizing that it is a natural part of life, rather than trying to hold onto outdated ideas and cultural norms. In this way, he believed that society can continue to evolve and grow, rather than becoming stagnant and stuck in old ways of thinking.

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