LOCKSTEP PHASE 2 New World Order Going Loud Animals React-why they walk in circles

2 years ago

John bounde piece on the next phase of the plandemic/operation lockstep. In the middle shows flocks of animals walking enlessly in circles. could it by super collider, 5g, or pole shift - from the original link
We are inundated with
propaganda fabricating one engineered New World Order crisis directive
after another. And as the Mockingbird media sets the bait while preening
itself with million dollar salaries feeding a smoldering American
culture Hegelian Dialectic talking points. Ordinary humans continue to
ask far more intriguing questions that will never be asked or answered
in prime time for fear of being labeled a conspiracy theory. Questions
like why are animals and insects all over the world suddenly forming
moving concentric circles? From sheep to turtles to turkeys to dogs to
Earlier this month,the Chinese state news outlet People’s
Daily posted this video from the Chinese Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Region. The flock of sheep had been going in circles for more than ten
Could it possibly be a reaction to the progress of the Higgs
Boson particle collider materializing the God Particle at CERN? Could
it be that Earth’s magnetic poles are shifting? Or is it Phase 2 of
Operation Lockstep materializing? Where a ramped up 5G attacks the
immune system of those that took the vaccines. Sending the animal
kingdom with varying degrees of natural magnetism into circular
After witnessing this video of ants reacting to a cell
phone ringing. Australian entomologist Nigel Andrew from the University
of New England surmised that "A lot of ants use magnetism to orientate
themselves. have magnetic receptors in their antennae," he said. "If
they're travelling long distances they use magnetic cues from Earth to
know if they are going north, east, south or west."
Early signs of
phase 2 include non compliant Covid fines being replaced with jail
time. Most non-essential travel placed under lockdown. An increase of
military checkpoints. A soft rollout of population tracking via
mandatory Covid passports. More large scale food shortages forcing
people only access to essential products or services if they are awarded
permission. And anyone that disagrees mysteriously disappears. They
must rollout phase 2 before it is too late. Many are realizing that the
Flu numbers don't add up. That dying suddenly has become far to common.
And they must be stopped before Phase 3 results in the release of a
weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS virus that will make a nuclear war look like
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